How Business Automation Can Raise Your Productivity And Profitability

Publicado por arun dhawan en

A May 2019 study by Deloitte shows that irrespective of size and industry, companies that use business automation tools are 20% more productive and 8-15% more profitable than their peers who don't automate.  

For a start, let's answer two questions. What is Business Process Automation (BPA)? How can it make my unique business more productive and profitable?

Business Process Automation

Every company has its defined processes that govern how things get done there. A lot of these processes are repetitive and mundane, these are the processes that BPA technology looks to automate. As a result, employees can now focus on more productive tasks, and there are fewer human errors. Suddenly, you can achieve a lot more with your existing talent pool. Automation raises your productivity.

As your business grows and you spread the automation adoption across multiple business functions like sales, marketing, and customer support, you will need to hire fewer people to handle your growth. Hence your growth comes at a lower cost and thus automation also raises your profitability.

Automation for Sales

Automate your sales processes from lead generation with Email automation to lead prioritization based on our advanced AI-based solution. Renesent's sales automation allows your existing sales force to generate more leads while raising their on-call time, hence converting more leads into paying customers. 

Our AI-based solutions convert your big data into sales leads and opportunities. We enable you to analyze your data and develop actionable marketing strategies. The automation of your sales function allows your sales force to focus the maximum time on contacting your leads and converting them to customers. 

 Automation for Customer Support and Ticketing

Customer Support is the lifeline of all companies because it is the link that connects the customer to the company. Establishing an efficient and proactive support system to handle customer queries, issues, and change of requests is of paramount importance. One human error and, we have an unhappy customer.

It makes business sense to automate this process by allocating it to a specialized 24x7 team who uses an advanced ticketing process to prioritize and allocate each customer request. Happy customers are loyal customers. 

Automation for Reputation Management

Over 85% of consumers use online reviews before making a purchase decision, and businesses with a 4-star or higher rating enjoy 30-40% higher sales than their peers who rate lower.

Over 5,000 companies have automated their review management with Renesent. To reach and maintain a 4-star plus rating requires ongoing deletion of your negative reviews and the addition of positive reviews. Renesent's customized and advanced algorithm identifies negative reviews that violate FTC guidelines and our 24x7 support team follows up with the review platform to have these reviews deleted. Review management is a continuous process and not a one-time transaction at Renesent. 

Automation for Social Media

  At times managing a company's social media presence can feel like running on a hamster wheel, you put in a lot of effort, for little to no result. Automating your social media presence can help in raising your visibility and profile, and gain you relevant contacts and leads. 

At Renesent we have multiple teams dedicated to handling social media for clients. We help your brand connect with the relevant audience and initiate a genuine conversation to convert them into leads and to build your presence. Our single dashboard allows you to view activity across all social media platforms.

In Conclusion

Business automation means higher sales and profitability. Renesent provides automation across all business verticals. The years 2020-21 looks to be a breakout period for intelligent automation. Firms have targeted low-value opportunities for task-based automation and will increasingly seek to incorporate more advanced analytical and AI technologies as part of their solutions. Don’t miss the bus on this Contact us today.